General > Photography Section
In need of a decent camera, recomendations.
Exactly as stealthwolf advises: It's like test driving a car - Get the one which feels right. Nikon or Canon are the established big names.
And is definitely a site to check out.
When 'feeling' the camera, it may also be worth trying one with a battery grip attachment.
I have one, mainly for the additional battery life and it feels much more 'manly'. I really dislike the feel of the camera without it on, as it feels too small....
As others have said, head down to a local camera store and try some out :happy2:
--- Quote from: GarethB on August 17, 2012, 10:14:06 pm ---
When 'feeling' the camera, it may also be worth trying one with a battery grip attachment.
I have one, mainly for the additional battery life and it feels much more 'manly'. I really dislike the feel of the camera without it on, as it feels too small....
--- End quote ---
.... :laugh: I've never ever thought of any camera as being 'manly' or not. I've heard of long camera lenses being called penis extensions though!
The lens is more important than the camera. The lens you get with most of them is a zoom 18-55mm or similar . They are worth about £70 !
Get a good lens and any recent DSLR will suffice initially a 1000d is a good start even a 450d second hand and spend the most on the lens . A good lens never really wears out either , can be yours for life .
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