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In need of a decent camera, recomendations.

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--- Quote from: RedRobin on August 17, 2012, 06:58:24 pm ---
--- Quote from: gazon69 on August 17, 2012, 06:37:24 pm ---
Hi robin, not bothered about it being compact. I have been taking great interest in a lot of the photos that are posted on here and must say i am in awe of some of them, simply jaw dropping. I have always appreciated a good "shot" and would love something that captures those sort of shots too. As far as what it would be used for , well, anything and everything really.  :happy2:

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....Then you have already got the most important thing and are at base camp: An eye for what makes a good shot. But whereas it's great to chase pin-sharp perfection don't let it stop you from just capturing those moments on camera whether technically perfect or not. A great camera doesn't necessarily make someone into a great photographer, but it can help. Look at TopCat's work: He started off taking okay pics on an average camera but then got a better camera and also developed his own natural talent much further.

The most technically perfect photog on here I think is Rich Wigley but there are some other close contenders.

The 'emotion' that a photo captures and conveys is everything. IMO.

--- End quote ---
Cheers matey. So do you have any ideas on which camera i should be looking at?

I brought a Nikon d3100 dslr which is a good starters camera if you want use different lenses for different types of photo taking. Absolutely love mine. Money well spent  :happy2:

I am in the same situation mate, currently looking at the Canon EOS 600D to start me off. Havent been steered away from it yet but not yet got all the pennies.

My old man currently has a Nikon but is hopefully going to go Canon next which will be a bonus as we can share lenses that way!

To help the OP is there any recomendation of where to buy?
Anyone used online sites like Big Norman?

Been reading about the nikon d3200. Seems a decent starting point and not a bad price

Use to try to think about features you'd want, read the reviews. Consider buying secondhand higher spec camera rather than low-spec brand new but check shutter actuations.

Go to Jessops or similar and try out the cameras in your hand. See which feels most natural and comfortable to use, with minimum of fuss.


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