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My Courtesy Car! (NOT the usual base Polo or Fox!)
driver rider:
Very nice the mk6 is growing on me
Loving that and those wheels are beautiful!!
--- Quote from: dmac1969 on August 19, 2012, 10:11:41 pm ---
Ive got to write a test drive review for their FB page (Like I did when I got the 2012 Beetle for the weekend) . nice work if you can get it eh? lol
--- End quote ---
....Can you post a link to your Beetle review and also the Ed35 when you do it, please? :drinking:
What dealer lent you that :grin: - im guessing it's somewhere in the north from the railway pics (overhead electrification) :wink:
Mk5 GTian:
"Oh it's not fixed yet? Never mind, take your time!....."
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