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My Courtesy Car! (NOT the usual base Polo or Fox!)

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So nice!

for a courtesy car thats nice,  sister in law just got a honda jaz when she put petrol in her diesel.


--- Quote from: andypower on November 25, 2012, 05:50:31 pm ---for a courtesy car thats nice,  sister in law just got a honda jaz when she put petrol in her diesel.

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The Jazz would almost certainly be faster than the asthmatic 1.2 3 cylinder polo  :grin:


--- Quote from: GrayMK5GTI on November 14, 2012, 07:51:36 pm ---What dealer lent you that  :grin: - im guessing it's somewhere in the north from the railway pics (overhead electrification)  :wink:

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Western VW Edinburgh , the pics were taken in my hometown of Berwick upon Tweed.

I have a Polo when my car was in for its major service early in December and RR you are exactly right with 'planning' a overtake manoeuvre.  It was a 1.4 petrol and had no guts. The interior was nice, although, I was a little cramped behind the wheel.


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