General > Photography Section

I'm a rubbish photographer.......

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....Well, perhaps not  :grin:  

I Went to a local airshow yesterday, called Sywell for their Jubilee Airshow. Had a fab time, took lots of great photos and got slightly burnt arms. Without further ado, here is a few and a link to my photostream...please enjoy.

Sywell-2 by djmhughesuk, on Flickr

Sywell-5 by djmhughesuk, on Flickr

Sywell-11 by djmhughesuk, on Flickr

Sywell-28 by djmhughesuk, on Flickr

Sywell-40 by djmhughesuk, on Flickr

Sywell-49 by djmhughesuk, on Flickr

The rest can be found here:

Top Cat:
I'm a great photographer as well.  : :star: 

Sorry to burst your own bubble, but they are just average pics of nice planes, you don't seem to make any effort with composition with your pics. Nearly all of the ones in your albums are the same too.  Just subjects stuck in the middle of the frame.  :popcornsoda:

Well, I take your criticism, but with planes you have to give them space for the plane or helicopter to move in the shot. Besides these are NOT meant to be arty shots, more reference. Well all can't have the same style and uniqueness, that would be boring.  

I like some of the planes and despite what TC says, some of them are good.


--- Quote from: Top Cat on August 20, 2012, 07:41:53 pm ---I'm a great photographer as well.  : :star: 

Sorry to burst your own bubble, but they are just average pics of nice planes, you don't seem to make any effort with composition with your pics. Nearly all of the ones in your albums are the same too.  Just subjects stuck in the middle of the frame.  :popcornsoda:

--- End quote ---

Bit harsh that :sad1:


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