General > Photography Section
I'm a rubbish photographer.......
I am loving the last one.
Now get some pics of the Vulcan and make us all smile!
--- Quote from: h4rdy on August 21, 2012, 10:53:10 am ---Now get some pics of the Vulcan and make us all smile!
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Amen! :happy2:
--- Quote from: h4rdy on August 21, 2012, 10:51:58 am ---
--- Quote from: Top Cat on August 20, 2012, 07:41:53 pm ---I'm a great photographer as well. : :star:
Sorry to burst your own bubble, but they are just average pics of nice planes, you don't seem to make any effort with composition with your pics. Nearly all of the ones in your albums are the same too. Just subjects stuck in the middle of the frame. :popcornsoda:
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Bit harsh that :sad1:
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Top Cat:
Pah! There is nothing wrong with his photos, I was just winding him up because he decided to tell us he was a good photographer. Modesty is a virtue you know. :wink:
You put yourself up there, you gotta be prepared to be shot at! :signLOL:
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