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Author Topic: Newbie-Clay Virgin + wax-Correct Process+ Poorboys application-Help  (Read 4189 times)


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Right, I own a black (diamond black pearl) five door, which used to be detailed before I owned it, I then took it to the local guys, who seemed on the surface to do a good job.
But after a closer look, I can see swirl marks etc :(
So from meeting a local VW nut, who has got me all excited about my car, and reading this forum, I've been shopping. I have limited time as everyone with a young son, who likes to help, so won't always have the luxury of a 8hr detail.  But, I've taken a half day off this Friday, and have been shopping.

I'm not too clear on the exact order, or if I need anything else. I have very hard water, the last time I washed esp with the heat, it was a nightmare to keep water spots marking, and involved continual wash down, and dry off. I read about about a few detailing sprays, that diluted help with hard water, advice?

I've bought in no particular order

Pressure washer (nitstek or silmilar  :laugh:)
Megs gold Class
Megs drying towel + more microfibres
Lambs wool wash mit + two buckets
AG Quick Glass
DJ fantastic Buff towel
DJ Born Slippy Lube
Bilt Hamber Autoclay Soft
Poorboys nattys paste (blue)
PB Black hole shine

I think that's it, it’s been pricey, so would like to see some half decent results.

From the above, I'm presuming-

Wash off
Wash top to bottom, two bucket method
Wash off (try and avoid water marks)
Dry using Meg cloth
Clay bar and Lube
Wash off and dry
PB Black hole shine
PB Wax and buff by hand.
Also have AG SRP and some AG tar remover *been hanging around, does this expire?

I know it's not going to cover all the marks, and it’s highlighted to me, since paying closer attention, that there are scratches, small dents, I never even noticed.
I love black cars, and I love my new RZ wheels, but it’s such a b***ch to keep clean. Hope this lark becomes easier.

Any advice, criticism appreciated  :happy2:

I got an OK method from just a two bucket method and a dry, but it needs some polish
« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 08:09:02 am by keendean »

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Re: Newbie-Clay Virgin + wax-Correct Process+ Poorboys application-Help
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2012, 08:14:56 am »
I have a black pearl car and your right , unless you keep on top of it can be an a$$hole to keep clean. You have chosen some very similar products to what I use like poorboys black hole and natty wax.

To me the method you have described looks very good however before using the blackhole I would give it a coat of SRP first. I also give my car 2 to 3 coats of natty wax as its very easy to apply and remove and will also give your car a lovely wet look....

Good luck  :happy2:


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Re: Newbie-Clay Virgin + wax-Correct Process+ Poorboys application-Help
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2012, 08:21:07 am »

Think its going to be a long day, but would love that wet look  :happy2:

SRP before black hole, I reckon it may be dark by the time I finish.  So after clay bar, wash, SRP, black hole, wax , wax :)
« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 08:24:35 am by keendean »

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Re: Newbie-Clay Virgin + wax-Correct Process+ Poorboys application-Help
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2012, 09:27:12 am »
If you put the hard work in now , then in the future it will be far easier to maintain. With plenty of wax next time you wash it all you'll have to do is use a detail spray and it will come up like new again  :wink:

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Re: Newbie-Clay Virgin + wax-Correct Process+ Poorboys application-Help
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2012, 10:03:58 am »
I wouldn't be too concerned about drying between washing and claying. I'd also be tempted to put the time in polishing with SRP before applying the Black Hole (if it was one or the other I'd go with the polish).

Last time I did what you're describing it was pretty much a day and a half.


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Re: Newbie-Clay Virgin + wax-Correct Process+ Poorboys application-Help
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2012, 12:12:28 pm »
Thanks guys, with the time I have, I may go SRP and leave the clay bar/glaze for another day.

Or would it make sense, to still clay, and SRP? Hmm, have from 1pm onwards  :smiley:

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Re: Newbie-Clay Virgin + wax-Correct Process+ Poorboys application-Help
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2012, 12:47:31 pm »
I'd wash > rinse > clay > snowfoam > rinse > dry > polish > snowfoam > rinse > dry > wax

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Re: Newbie-Clay Virgin + wax-Correct Process+ Poorboys application-Help
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2012, 12:52:35 pm »
This is making good reading. 

I picked up my Pearlescent Diamond Black ED30 just last Wednesday and have washed it twice already, but am yet to wax it (the guy I bought it from treated it very well and water is still beading).

I have some Dodo Juice Purple Haze on the way to me so will be applying some of that at the weekend weather permitting.  That said the wet look, using SRP and Black Hole, is appealing... 

Be good to see some pics of the results when you're finished KeenDean.


Black ED30 No. 1,328 - Gone but not forgotten...

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Re: Re: Newbie-Clay Virgin + wax-Correct Process+ Poorboys application-Help
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2012, 01:37:11 pm »
I've been looking into this also.
I was going for:

then top up after normal washes with dodo juice red mist.

Purple haze ontop of black hole is meant to give nice results on a black car, especially after claying.


VCDS (Preston, Lancashire)

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Re: Newbie-Clay Virgin + wax-Correct Process+ Poorboys application-Help
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2012, 02:05:58 pm »
As above, miss out the drying before claying.
I would use Tar Remover before claying and make sure you thoroughly rinsing.

I'm not convinced that there's any benefit with using both SRP and BH. Blackhole has fillers and glaze. SRP has very light cut polish and fillers. My concern would be the BH removing the SRP. A true glaze just has oils in it with no cleaning/filling ability.

I would:
Power rinse->2BM->rinse->(dry)->Tar remover->rinse->clay->several coats of SRP->seal/wax.

A week or so later, rinse->2BM->rinse->dry->wax and do this every time the beading is going.

Every week: rinse->2BM->rinse->dry.

The GTI isn't just a machine. It's very much a living, breathing thing.


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Re: Newbie-Clay Virgin + wax-Correct Process+ Poorboys application-Help
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2012, 07:24:38 pm »

I'm not convinced that there's any benefit with using both SRP and BH. Blackhole has fillers and glaze. SRP has very light cut polish and fillers. My concern would be the BH removing the SRP. A true glaze just has oils in it with no cleaning/filling ability.

I would:
Power rinse->2BM->rinse->(dry)->Tar remover->rinse->clay->several coats of SRP->seal/wax.

A week or so later, rinse->2BM->rinse->dry->wax and do this every time the beading is going.

Every week: rinse->2BM->rinse->dry.

Jeesh I'm lost. PB Black hole and PB wax, I read was a good combo.  It's not a SRP treat in a very long time. (2BM? is?)

So would Phase 1 be-

Tar Remove

Phase 2

PB Black hole
PB Natty wax

Phase 3 (reg up keep)

Wash, dry.
DJ red mist detailer?

It's a learning curve for sure, and an expensive one in terms of time and money, hence I want to get the best results possible, with the limitations I have, plus the skill level is 0/10 at the moment  :signLOL:
No snow foam atm, but have just spent enough, and need to start giving it some love  :happy2:


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Re: Newbie-Clay Virgin + wax-Correct Process+ Poorboys application-Help
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2012, 07:27:20 pm »
This is making good reading. 

I picked up my Pearlescent Diamond Black ED30 just last Wednesday and have washed it twice already, but am yet to wax it (the guy I bought it from treated it very well and water is still beading).

I have some Dodo Juice Purple Haze on the way to me so will be applying some of that at the weekend weather permitting.  That said the wet look, using SRP and Black Hole, is appealing... 

Be good to see some pics of the results when you're finished KeenDean.



Hey Adam, I am a complete novice, so I'm not expecting Phase 1 results to look amazing, I've been using hand washes the past 6 months.  But will post some pics up. I've also got BBS RZ's which are similar to the ED30 alloys, I'm going to wax them next to protect them from brake dust etc, one thing at a time though  :popcornsoda:

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Re: Newbie-Clay Virgin + wax-Correct Process+ Poorboys application-Help
« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2012, 07:35:26 pm »
Jeesh I'm lost.
In some ways, for good reason. The world of detailing is fraught with confusing issues and I think a lot comes down to personal preference, even amongst the pros.

PB Black hole and PB wax, I read was a good combo.
Then stick to that. Skip out the SRP.

 It's not a SRP treat in a very long time.
That sentence doesn't make sense. The words are English but they're not in the correct order.

(2BM? is?)
Two-bucket method wash.

So would Phase 1 be-

Phase 2

Phase 3 (reg up keep)
Not sure what you're getting at with the phases. You detail the car. Every week you'll wash it. Occasionally (every few months), you'll top up the wax after washing the car.

I want to get the best results possible
Then you're better off getting the car detailed by a pro with you doing maintenance washes.

the skill level is 0/10 at the moment
Which means it will take time, effort, learning and cash to get the best results possible.

I would probably do this:

Every six months: power rinse, 2BM wash, rinse, dry, tar, rinse, clay, wash, dry, polish (using either SRP or BH), seal with wax or sealant of your choice.
Every week: power rinse, 2BM wash, rinse, dry
Every month or so: power rinse, 2BM wash, rinse, dry, top up wax

The GTI isn't just a machine. It's very much a living, breathing thing.


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Re: Newbie-Clay Virgin + wax-Correct Process+ Poorboys application-Help
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2012, 07:46:03 pm »

It's not 'had' a SRP treatment in a very long time.

Feel de-motivated and de-moralised,  :sad1:

There is conflicting information, so it hard what to know to do for the best. Black being a colour I find difficult to clean, and to keep looking good.

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Re: Newbie-Clay Virgin + wax-Correct Process+ Poorboys application-Help
« Reply #14 on: August 21, 2012, 07:56:28 pm »
Why? Part of detailing is learning about new products, experimenting with existing ones, looking at and learning new techniques, picking up hints and tips.

When I had my first car, I thought my single bucket, sponge, chamois and bottle of Zipwax wash'n'wax was all I needed to clean my car. Even now, years on, I'm still learning new stuff and will continue to do so.

Set some time aside this weekend and make a start. See how you get on. You might find it's awesome. You might not.

If it helps, to get me in the mood, I tend to read the write ups done by pros like on here and on detailingworld.

The GTI isn't just a machine. It's very much a living, breathing thing.