General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box
More sections please
Hi Guys,
Ive noticed that the vast majority of threads are started in the MK5 General Area section. Threads on there vary over a very very wide area of topics concerning MK5's.
I find that some threads posted on there can quickly end up on page 3-4 after only a day or so.
Perhaps by creating more subsections, people would be more inclined to post threads in the correct section rather than post everything in the general area by default.
In the Modifications and Technical Area, you could expand and include more specific subsections titles: Bodywork, Clutch and Gearbox, Engine Turbo and Exhaust, Audio and Electrics, Interiors, Lighting, suspension Brakes and chasis, wheels and Tyres.
These are just examples but if members are encouraged to post in the specific sections - especially with requests for assistance- threads wont disappear after a short time and would also make searching a lot easier.
We could divide it further and have a section for each letter of the alphabet for the first letter of the thread title. "My brakes squeal" could go in the M section. "Which exhaust?" could go in the W section along with "Which intake?" and "Which remap?".
IMO there's already too many sections and creating more sections won't make it easier or cleaner. It'd just be more of a PITA to choose which section to post in and more work for the mods to move things around.
Happy to listen to peoples views but I agree with Mr Wolf, more sections = less organised IMHO :happy2:
I think there's enough sub sections on the forum as already said.
I think the reason most threads drop off the first few pages in the general section is that alot of the threads could be better suited to other parts of the forum, like questions about wheels, suspension etc could be posted in the relevant sub board in the modification section of the forum rather than the general section.
More sections = more work for the mods to keep tidy. No doubt the MK5 General area will be where everyone posts everything anyway so I'm with Nodz :innocent:
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