Hey Guys,
My name is Alamin and I am an avid VW Golf Maniac, I have previously owned a Golf Mk4 1.6 and hopefully soon will be a proud owner of a VW Golf Mk5 1.6 FSi.

I have been going through a number of golf mk5 forums in the hopes of upgrading parts on my car and in return giving a full detailed with pictures description in how I carried out my work. Giving something back to the community.
I would appreciate your help if anyone can direct me the right way in terms of purchasing and carrying out these retrofits.
Current Retrofits upon purchase:MK6 Flat Bottom GTI/R MFSW
White Highline Full MFD Cluster
Mk5 GTI/R32 Gear Knob
RNS510 (with GPS Antenna)
9w7 VW Bluetooth Module
Chrome Light Switch/Mirrors Switch (Not 100% sure of the actual names

Custom Chrome the edge of the 4 front airvents
Mk6 Standard Climate Control Unit
Changing standard interior lights to blue tint white
OH and Finally a Custom iPhone 4s/5 Dock on the dash to look OEM
WOW! That's a long list and ALOT of MONĀ£Y but hopefully with the communities help I can keep costs down and Carry out majority of the work on my own.
PS. VCDS is a free software will I be able to buy the cable/wire on a budget with full functionality.