I was driving down a country lane in my MK5 GTI, when some numpty coming the other way in a transit van cut the corner(picking his nose), forcing me to "brush" the edge. It wasn't until I got home that I noticed I had a full length scratch

. It had scratched the laquer mainly on the wing and passenger door. I T-cutted the worst of it out, then applied meguiars wax and P21 carnuba. It looked good, until it rained! It's left a slightly dull patch with tiny swirl marks. I have waxed again, but fear it may need some professional buffing/polishing work. I don't think(or hope) it needs any paint/spraying. Any recomendations of either a good valeter or specialist wax etc. I'm gutted and binned the T-cut! I'm from Chesterfield. Cheers