Hi there Ladies and Gents,
Im not new to the forum as ive owned a MK5 Golf GTI for the last 4 years but never had a chance to make a build thread and by the time i had done a hell of a lot of things it just seemed long to start one.
When i first got my LC9Z Black GTI Manual back in Oct 2011:

And a few more pics of her in the years ive owned her:

In short she was completely standard when i bought her from a lady who owned this car from brand new and i pretty much did a hell of alot of oem+ cosmetic touches,handling and performance mods including major mods such as Quaife Lsd and ko4 conversion running AMD Stage 2+ software.
And now....i have just taken ownership of my new lovely Steel Grey Edition 30 Manual once again which is completely stock for now

in place of my lovely GTI which is gone now :( but not forgotten :

Will get some more pics up and update my plans for the new lady soon :p