General > Photography Section

Oulton park Gold Cup.

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Some fantastic shots there even if it they were just taken on the go.

Its a great day out, the Gold Cup. I went about 6 years ago with my Father in law and brother in laws, we stayed for the saturday/sunday camping over including some great drunken banter in the main bar after hours. A great experience, and one that we keep trying to re-arrange year on year but to no avail with the arrival of bambino's.

Some great memories from the weekend that we went though and the noise that some of those old boys make are just amazing


--- Quote from: jhtrophy on August 27, 2012, 10:26:23 am ---lotus Cortina :notworthy: prove that a bloke can do two things at once, watch kid and take pics :signLOL:

--- End quote ---
Lol! :grin:

Your little boy's got a great cheesy smile- very cute.

Top Cat:
Yes he is a looker for some reason.  :love: 
I find most people look at him, smile then look at me, then glance back down at him followed by a lowering of the eyebrows at the next glance my way.  :laugh:
I have taken a paternity test, and to my own suprise   :chicken: he was confirmed as a Top cat junior.  :jumpmove:

He looks almost as tall as you TC.  :wink:

Nice pics there. For some strange reason I was expecting horses.  :confused:

Top Cat:

--- Quote from: Hedge on August 28, 2012, 02:13:28 pm ---He looks almost as tall as you TC.  :wink:

Nice pics there. For some strange reason I was expecting horses.  :confused:

--- End quote ---

Nope!, i married a mare, but my son ain't no horse.  :P


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