Phil Miller is back: http://www.mk5golfgti.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,53098.0.html
Very glad to hear this has worked out positively (you were right, Greeners).
He says he wants the collected monies to go to the Forum Fund.
+1 I was right too RR 
So happy its worked out alright.
Hope to see you back as a regular Phil soon.
To all the doubters, innocent BEFORE proven guilty.
My doubt was less of the fact Phil may or may not be injured (or exist) and more the fact it was taking AGES to sort out.
I was actually the one who messaged him on the other forum and low and behold less than 12 hrs later its all solved.
This to me raises other questions... but its done now and I think we have probably all learnt a lesson.
I really don't understand your comments at all?
So if Phil, in your mind, didn't exist. What did you think exactly? A conspiracy to raise money by the Moderators?
And what other questions does it raise then?
And what lesson have I, Greeners and RR learned then?
In fact I now find your comments and original post quite offensive, god help any of us if we get ill, have an accident etc etc and we don't come on here for a while to thank the well wishers.
I am truly humbled by the kindness, generosity in tough financial times, and general commerardery on this great yes great forum.
I see Phil is too, which is all that matters does it not?
Maybe this tread should now be locked by the Moderators as its all done and dusted.