General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box

One thread per member in a given period of time in the for sale section...

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Hi all...

Would it be possible to enforce or put in place a rule for members to only be able to start number of threads in the for sale section?.... Would prevent members from blitzing the board and filling it with single threads for single items and pushing everyone else's threads onto the next page!

I know avforums and a few other forums implement something whereby you can't start a new thread until the old one has been locked, perhaps something similar?


I don't agree.

At the moment there's a white Rocco R for sale and its removed Recaro's are offered for sale in a separate thread. That makes it straightforward for folks to see and also for the seller to manage.

4 threads per week per member perhaps?

But can't you be arsed to turn a page over!?  :rolleye:

I think he was miffed at illyun's multiple FS postings in the car parts section.

I think where items can be lumped together, then it's better to have one sale thread, but no qualms if you need two or three eg one for detailing stuff, one for car stuff and one for racing/track day stuff.

Was thinking the same after seeing his 15 threads or somthing crazy like that.

Just bounce up some of your own For Sale threads or wait for others to post new For Sale threads - It'll soon balance out and find its own natural level. illyun has been absent overseas etc for a while and merely returned on a tidal wave - Good to see him back  :happy2:

A limit of only 1 thread is too draconian in my opinion. If it is decided to have a limit, then my vote is for 3 or 4 and make it a week, no longer.

Another option is to rule that a seller can only post 1 new thread per day. But then it would need to be written into the software if even possible, otherwise it's extra work for the Moderators.


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