General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box
One thread per member in a given period of time in the for sale section...
A limit of 3 sounds fair :happy2:
--- Quote from: stealthwolf on August 30, 2012, 01:57:22 pm ---I think he was miffed at illyun's multiple FS postings in the car parts section.
I think where items can be lumped together, then it's better to have one sale thread, but no qualms if you need two or three eg one for detailing stuff, one for car stuff and one for racing/track day stuff.
--- End quote ---
The primary function of this forum is not for advertising and as such the for sale section has rules in place that not only benefit the members but also do not take up the majority of time for the admin team.
I feel as though this request is a somewhat of a knee jerk reaction, and one that clearly has effected one or more of your own posts. Can't see that there is either a need or a benefit to introducing this sort of rule.
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