i have the non progressive stg1 map (ED30) and its easily controllable, just needs some deft footwork.
Seems more of a style issue and your own preference.
If you want the full pedal travel available to control then go progressive map.
Either way youll love it, plus they should help out if you want to change.
fwiw the revo delivery was way more progressive than an old APR map I had, these days both APR and REVO seem to have really improved things.
I drive sensibly 99% of the time, with a 1% hoon and the non progessive is fine for me
(caveat I havent actually tried the progressive map

Dont forget the REVO SPS allows you to adjust BoostTimingFuel values, which to some extent tailors the delivery agressiveness of either REVO map. Mine currently has lower Boost and Timing values to ensure my clutch is given an easier time
Important thing is that you map it