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I wonder if I can get your advice on what I could use to catalogue and edit my photographs that I take. At the moment they are just in directories stored on my external HD, so not the best solution if I want to find a certain picture.

I do have Aperture 2 which I did not fully get on with. I tried to get into using the application by reading tips, how-to's etc, but it just did not click with me. 

I have heard that Adobe Lightroom is supposed to be what the pro's use? So what else is out there that I can use to edit/tweak and catalogue my pictures and be able to find them using a key word search.

Most of my pictures are of motorsport events, but there are few holidays and a few days outs which I use Adobe Photoshop for the post processing element.

My dad has Elements 6 (on his PC) that looks to have a really good cataloguing facility and some nice features.

What do all you budding photographers use?

Thank you.

Interested in this too.

Strange coincidence that you should post this.

I find that Aperture can be tricky to understand too, not so much the interface or features but the way that the Library works. This gets even more difficult to understand if you also have iPhoto on your Mac because apparently it combines the Libraries.

Adobe Lightroom has a similar learning curve to Aperture but integrates with the full-blown Photoshop better, as you would expect it to and yes it is more 'Pro'.

You may get some help on specifics in the Apple Discussions / Aperture forum but be warned that some of the experts can be a bit condescending.

I have literally just found and bookmarked this site:

The link ^ will doubtless open on the page I'm currently reading about merging libraries but check out the blue text list column on the left. I haven't got to the Home page yet. The guy communicates well in language we can understand.

Aperture 3.3.2 is the latest version and is really a Digital Asset Manager (organiser) with some non-destructive editing features added. Photoshop is a full-on destructive editor.

The latest version of iPhoto 9.3.2 has become a lot more powerful and has good editing features if you like to keep things straightforward and simple.

I think that TopCat also uses Aperture and it wasn't that long ago that he was a 'beginner'.

I use aperture and find it easy to use. What were your struggling with?

Anything for PC?


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