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Author Topic: Plastic welding and whats the best body filler for plastic?  (Read 1116 times)

Offline tommygti

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Plastic welding and whats the best body filler for plastic?
« on: October 23, 2012, 01:39:34 pm »
Im smoothing the bumper covers and ed30 splitter on my mk5 gti bumper. Ive done plastic welding before so I know the basics. I need to know what plastic material the bumper is made of (i know it says somewhere on the inside but it has not arrived yet so I cant check!) as the covers I have bought are made from ABS so im not sure if they will blend together properly?

And what is the best body filler for plastic? I have used halfords ISOPON filler which is good for small jobs but not big ones.


Offline felix!

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Re: Plastic welding and whats the best body filler for plastic?
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2012, 04:40:50 am »
if the bumper is black on the inside (the raw plastic) it will plastic weld, if it is a yellowy beige colour it will not plastic weld

when smoothing bumpers i use a flexible bumper filler, upol do a good one