You guys are probably aware I went to a wedding yesterday instead of attending the SC meet.
The drive there wasn't too bad in the sunny, dry weather. Some of the roads weren't proper roads and ended up going through villages and single carriageways barely big enough for one car let alone two.
Anyway, during the night, there was a thunderstorm and rain lashed down. The journey back was a nightmare - was driving at around 20-30 mph for at least half the journey. The weather was bad, visibility wasn't great despite using fullbeams and the roads were treacherous. A few times I'd go up a hill and not be able to see the huge pool of water on the other side. Car gets sloshed travelling through at 25mph. Most of the time I was able to avoid the large puddles.
Given the sh*te weather, is there anything I should check on the car now?
The brakes got a good testing once on some proper DCs, but is there anything else that would need inspection.
I am so glad I didn't put the monzas on and didn't detail the car before I set off, as I had planned.