Hi all, its been a very long time

, things are getting better, im back to normal (ish anyway lol)
Now a few things, i was very moved by all your words and the collection you all set up for me, im a proud man and there are many many other places that need help, so i am genuinely moved by your actions, its one of thoses times, i didnt know what to do or say so i left it, and as time went by i still didnt know what to say (i know strange for me to not know what to say)
My brother started using my account on another site as he has just got a vw, it started by him selling afew parts and looking for answers, anyway he called me last night because he had posted a wanted and someone had posted up a link to the fund thread, he called me and asked me to have a read of it, this is really hard to try and put my feeling down, your all so very kind, i havent up and left, started going elsewhere, it was a case he wanted to sell some parts and used my login, i have many times wanted to log in here (although i had forgotten my password

) but like i said i just didnt know what to say, i dont want anyone to think im ungrateful, i am very moved by it
things are on the up, im waiting to hear what happens now, and im feeling good in myself, dont drive my Golf as much as id like to tho, i want to say thank you to you all
I think the forum should recieve it (if my thoughts counts)
Wow this has been one of the hardest threads i ever written, ive spent most of the night thinking about it, prob missed a bucket load out, now the hardest thing has been done i will do my best to annoy you ALL again, its one of those things, put it off and then your not sure what to say