Thanks for that reply redrobin,
Its such a hard decision to make, especially when im a complete noob!
But after talking to nige on the phone for about twenty minutes today, I could just hear the passion and excitement in his voice when he was talking about his gear, as cheesy as that sounds, so I think thats swayed it for me. There both working out around the same price anyway so thats not the issue either.
....It's always a good thing to follow your heart and the factor of the people you deal with is extremely important. In my case with Milltek, I've enjoyed a friendship with Phil Millington (Mr Milltek) for 7 years and know his genuine passion.
I'm sure you won't go wrong with BCS and Nige

Either way my girlfriend is going to fcuking kill me when she finds out so thats usually an indicator that im doing the right thing ha! 
....A girlie I know who is a hardcore Mini (original version) enthusiast and also a mechanic (yes, and I'm afraid that she's quite pretty too) told me about her new boyfriend and she complained bitterly to him when he bought her something girlie for her birthday. So at christmas he (very wisely!) asked her what she would like and she said, not expecting him to buy her one, a Milltek exhaust for her Mini. He bought her one and she was over the moon. Lucky sod, she's a babe.
Enjoy your new exhaust - It's an important driving aid!