It wasn't getting heated.

Just some perspective was needed. It is very easy on the internet for 1 or 2 people to take over threads and convince the world what they have is the best, usually because they need to reaffirm there own choices. Robin has done this in the past with Milltek and we had a bust up or two as well, over the same. In fact i chose one of Nigel's exhaust last time because Robin would always take over zorst threads with his Milltek pics.
This is an open forum for it's members to discuss products, Milltek and BSC are not allowed to take part unless it is with technical help but it is very easy for these companies to get there fanboys to advertise for them and as such all perspective gets lost.
If i was buying a zorst for a GTI again, i would probably look at BCS first, but postings in this thread and on here in general lately have me thinking to much fanboy and not enough factboy is going on.
All in my opinion of course.