Had a weekend from hell.....
Just thought id share it with you all.
I woke up friday morning with a txt from my mum saying "ring me as soon as you get up, got a problem".
So i rung expecting to hear that a relative had fallen ill, or tge world was coming to an end. It was worse.....
My dads traders policy had expired n hes was strugglingto get insurance cover for his fleet of hire cars which included my beloved :(
Sooooo.... I was left with a problem. i work nights.
The answer to my problem was in the shape of a 53 VAUXHALL.... CORSA.... 1.0.... In Jewish racing gold! Ohhhh my lord!!

Iv used this hardcore street weapon all weekend n i can honestly say iv never been so bored in a car.
Iv been on the net n am on 1st name terms with possibly every insurance company in the land.
Prices ranging from £1600 to £7600! Which i jus cant afford at the moment.
Anyways ive bin on the phone to esure this morning and theyre happy to take my elephant named driver no claims discount if i send them the relevant paper work so for the 1st time in 9 years of driving my insurance is on the right side of a grand. £870 to be exact!!
At 7.30 i finish work n im takin my beloved for a spin