So glad to hear from you at last, Phil, that you are well and that you have posted here - Some folks were wondering and it was beginning to be easy to think negatively about you as we knew 'you' (in fact your brother as it turns out) were active on the other forum but not responding here. But, as Greeners said, we didn't know the detailed circumstances until now.
Good to have you back - You were definitely missed! 
Thank you so much, im not sure tbh why I haven't logged on, I'm glad I have, I've said before your all good friends not just forum members
....I think it's as you said in your post: That you were so emotionally moved by our gesture that you didn't know what to say and were lost for words. Now you have done it you can see that holding back is never a good thing - So many relationships get spoiled by lack of communication because of an individual's reserve or shyness. Unfortunately, in my opinion, it's typically English not to talk about things upfront. At school we each had to stand alone on a stage and address the whole school - I think it's something which all schools should teach. But you have now done so virtually

All is well that ends well mate and a big factor in why this forum responded to the news of your accident in the way it did, is because you have always been so helpful to folks here. It's a case of what goes around comes around

Shall I pass you the Kleenex box?