Had a bit of grief with the old girl the other day, first ever breakdown. Car went into limpo mode after a spirited blat, I ended up pulling over and restarting the engine where it coughed then went straight to the redline

. Ended up calling the RAC and after several hours got a lift to my local garage. My initial thoughts were throttle issues as there was obviously air going into the engine. It was either air leak, throttle issues or throttle body. Posted on TFSi tuning and thoughts there were along similar lines.
I disconnected the throttle pedal thinking no signal to the TB would give me more info and it did, the car still had the issue so I assumed the TB was jammed open. When I got in I bit the bullet and bought a RevQ TB off Ebay for £120 brand new and gave it to the lads in the local garage. Got a call the next day and went to see them where I was confronted with this

Early revision A TB from 2004. No wonder this was superceeded

The main worry next was where was the remaining butterfly section. Fortunately after inlet manifold off the remaining section was jammed in the entry to the inlet port and all in one piece.
Anyway all fixed now, my wallet is unexpectedly lighter but my car drives as good as the day I picked her up off AKS after putting the BYD in, back to being a plain looking Gti with 350 ponies under the bonnet.

Need new rear brake calipers as one is binding slightly and a replacement pcv to inlet manifold pipe shortly. At 110K and over 5 years of ownership it still puts a smile on my face (apart from when it breaks down)