I am planning to buy a Mk V Gt 140 version.
I've seen one I could get for 3k possibly, and needs some minor paintwork.
Clutch and DMF,cam belt kit inc water pump have been changed.
It has 143k miles, selling on in the future could be difficult.
I run a mk v gti, and this is becoming costly to commute in, v power is not cheap.
With a tight budget, and getting a vag diesel is a minefield.
Drove nearly two hours last night for a car that had been keyed down two panels, but no mention on phone or advert :(
My Missus does not drive, and i like my gti in one piece.
I'm spending 300 per month on v power, so should pay for its self in the end.
Any concerns at this miles, head gasket, cam?
Read a lot of 2003/4 a3 tdis with head problems.
Any advice appreciated