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Author Topic: Kindles?  (Read 802 times)

Offline BeezerDiesel

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« on: September 08, 2012, 02:35:26 pm »
just a quick question which will no doubt have complicated answers!

A woman in my office is after a Kindle, easy peasy you'd think, but which is the best one for her needs?
Late forties, hooked on Barbera Cartland!! Not into gadgets, doesn't want to be charging it every ten mins but she's fairly savvy and bright so can handle new technology but doesn't want needless features.

Now, I wouldn't have asked this question but things have moved on quite a bit in the few years since my mother in law bought hers as there was only one type then, we just looked for the best price (not much choice at the time) and then accidentally stumbled upon a load of free books- hey presto!

So, which is the best version/value for money?


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Re: Kindles?
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2012, 02:38:50 pm »
Apple are rumoured to be bringing out a 7" iPad but when and how much is a complete unknown. But it would be competing directly with the Kindle.

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Re: Kindles?
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2012, 03:04:29 pm »
Does she just want the kindle to use as a book reader? Or the tablet functions of the fire?

I have the kindle app on my iPad but I can't read a book for too long on it, the original kindle is more like ink on paper and I can enjoy reading a book on it without getting blurry or tired eyes.

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Re: Kindles?
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2012, 03:27:42 pm »
Amazon have just brought out 2x new kindles as well. Both hd fire variants. And people complain about apple bringing out a device refresh once per year. :stupid:

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Re: Kindles?
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2012, 05:35:15 pm »
Does she just want the kindle to use as a book reader? Or the tablet functions of the fire?

I have the kindle app on my iPad but I can't read a book for too long on it, the original kindle is more like ink on paper and I can enjoy reading a book on it without getting blurry or tired eyes.

^^^^ my experience exactly!

Downloaded the app and not as good, like reading from an iPad (strange that), tied eyes much quicker, much better to read from an Amazon kindle.

Have the original Amazon Kindle WiFi,  does what it says on the tin. I find it easy to use with the keypad when looking for other books to download.



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Re: Kindles?
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2012, 05:55:30 pm »
What MC71 said.

I downloaded the Kindle app onto my iPad but much after playing with my Wife's kindle Wifi (without the Keyboard) i ended up buying one as well.
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Offline BeezerDiesel

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Re: Kindles?
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2012, 01:13:04 pm »
Thanks for the replies  :happy2:

Does she just want the kindle to use as a book reader? Or the tablet functions of the fire?

I have the kindle app on my iPad but I can't read a book for too long on it, the original kindle is more like ink on paper and I can enjoy reading a book on it without getting blurry or tired eyes.

I suggested an iPad but she didn't seem too interested (I used to view them as a pointless gimmick too until I bought my son one for passing his exams and realised how good they are), I think she just wants something basic to read books on, I doubt she'd use many of the features of the higher spec ones and I've lost touch with which ones do what as there seem to be so many versions now  :confused:
I just saw on the news this morning that Apple and Kindle are bringing out new versions very soon as per Robin's post. Choices, choices!

Offline MarkMarked

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Re: Kindles?
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2012, 01:41:36 pm »
I'd recommend the newest Kindle Paperlight, all the reviews are saying the frontlit screen is the best so far.

Backlit devices like iPads and Fires will always be harder on the eyes and give a worse experience compared to an e-ink device