Ok lads (and any ladies of course)... this is serious now wheels are being refurbed this week..

Forget world debt, poverty, hunger, wars..... This is the most important decision in the world right now

Ok so maybe I'm going over the top but I've gone back and forth and back and forth....... I had pretty much decided on silver... and then re fitted my silver 18s yesterday and I'm disappointed with how boring it looks.
Ok I know the fact they are 18s will make a difference but the blacks looked so much meaner... 'so get them black' I hear you moan... Well I would but worry I will get bored or it looks a bit chav??
So... The options are above.
Bright silver (Only if I cant get the ed30 colour or the paint is too expensive)
ED30 Silver (I've never seen this on a 19" so could be interesting making it very OEM++ I prefer this idea to bright silver though)
Black with silver lip
Pics if anyone has pics of a red gti on 19" CH in ED30 colour please post them
Bright Silver

Black / Silver lip