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Author Topic: Xenons  (Read 1091 times)


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« on: June 09, 2009, 10:38:07 am »
Hi all,

I know this has been covered numerous times, but below is the response i received from the Department for Transport in regards to an email i sent them about retro fitting Xenons. I thought it may be of interest to the forum.

If this has already been covered then sorry for the repost!


Tom  :smiley:

------------------FACT SHEET--------------
December 2006

Aftermarket HID headlamps

In the Department's view it is not legal to sell or use after market HID lighting kits, for converting conventional Halogen headlamps to HID Xenon. If a customer wants to convert his vehicle to Xenon HID he must purchase completely new Xenon HID headlamps. The reason for this is that the existing lens and reflector are designed around a Halogen filament bulb, working to very precise tolerances. If one places a HID "burner" (bulb) in the headlamp, the beam pattern will not be correct, there will be glare in some places and not enough light in other places within the beam pattern.
The following is the legal rationale:

The Road Vehicle Lighting Regulations 1989 regulate the situation in the UK.
Under these Regulations, HID/Gas Discharge/Xenon headlamps are not mentioned and therefore they are not permitted according to the strict letter of the law.
However new vehicles have HID headlamps. This is because they comply to European type approval Regulations. The UK cannot refuse to register a vehicle with a European type approval. These are to ECE Regulation 98 (for the HID headlamps which are tested on a rig in a laboratory) and ECE Regulation 48 (Lighting Installation on the vehicle).
For the after market, a used vehicle cannot obtain type approval because it is only applicable for new vehicles. However we feel that saying "HID is banned in the after market" would not be reasonable. Instead we should make analogies with new vehicles. It would be reasonable to require HID in the after market to meet the same safety standards as on new vehicles. The same level of safety should apply.
Therefore a HID headlamp unit sold in the after market should:

1.   be type approved to ECE Regulation 98 as a component.

2.   when fitted to the vehicle should enable ECE Regulation 48 to be complied with (although no government inspection will take place).

3.   Comply with RVLR as far as "use" is concerned.
 In practice this means:

1.   The headlamp unit (outer lens, reflector, bulb) shall be type approved to ECE 98 and be "e-marked" to demonstrate this. That can only be done by the headlamp supplier - Hella, Valeo etc. who must test the headlamp in an independent laboratory.

2.   Once fitted to the vehicle it must have headlamp cleaning and self-levelling (which can be for the headlamp or can be in the vehicle suspension - some expensive estate cars have "self-levelling suspension" and that is adequate). Also the dipped beam must stay on with the main beam.

3.   The headlamp must be maintained in good working order, kept clean, and aligned/adjusted correctly like any other headlamp.
Under the Road Traffic Act 1988 it is an offence to supply, fit or use vehicle parts which are not legal.
In summary it is not permitted to convert an existing halogen headlamp unit for use with HID bulbs.  The entire headlamp unit must be replaced with one designed and approved for use with HID bulbs and it must be installed in accordance with the rules stated above.

If you require any further information regarding the regulations covered by this fact sheet, please contact the DfT at the address below:

      Transport Technology and Standards 3
      Department for Transport
      Zone 2/04
      Great Minster House
      76 Marsham Street          Telephone: 020 7944 2078
      London             Fax:         020 7944 2196
   SW1P 4DR                                            Email:

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Re: Xenons
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2009, 10:42:07 am »
an interesting insight to hear!

thanks for that!

Offline Teutonic_Tamer

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Re: Xenons
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2009, 08:17:59 pm »
And sommat which I have been spouting on about for years now!  But what the DfT fail to mention is the Construction and Use Regulations, which is yet another kettle of fish!
Sean - Independant Automotive Engineering Technician (ret'd)
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Re: Xenons
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2011, 08:15:55 pm »
have dug up this old thread as been thinking of getting xenons, like many a forum user but am thinking twice now.

it seems that even if the beam pattern is correct and passes the MOT and the correct auto levellers are fitted they still wont be road legal unless have the wash facility and have been fully tested in an independent laboratory etc.

would be interested to hear what Tony et al from Greenlight say but it looks like if you crash your car with aftermarket xenons fitted it may well void your policy.  :scared:
Diamond Black Pearl Edition 30, still going strong but now back to Stg 1