General > Detailing


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Gonna detail car tomorrow (weather permitting - otherwise I'll just do the wheels, exhaust and interior. There's chocolate covered raisins everywhere!).

Off to get AG fast glass and glass polish for the windows.

I've heard some people like Rain-X to help with keeping the windows clean.

Anyone ever used it?
Suitable for ED30?

rain-x is a bit sh*te to be honest mate! there much better available. like a polymer based on, that will last for like 3years.

g-technik rain shield is what you want. think its called that!

I used to use RainX a lot and was always happy with it although it never seemed to last for too long. The other down side is it tends to make the windows 'sticky' when you are cleaning and drying them.  :happy2:

yep, it does smear pretty bad too. i only say its pants because i have experiences with other, far superior products


--- Quote from: JPC on November 22, 2008, 10:20:25 pm ---yep, it does smear pretty bad too. i only say its pants because i have experiences with other, far superior products

--- End quote ---

Giz a clue then Jay  :happy2:


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