I had 2 cats myself 7/8 years back "Max" and "Paddy", Max was a black and white Tom and loved nothing more than sitting on your lap being fussed over for as long as you would/could (I used to work from home and he was pretty much sat on my lap while i was at my desk most of the day), when it was time for lunch/toilet you could pick him up off your lap in a little ball pop him down and come back 20 mins later and lift him back on your lap, he never even used to wake up

, Paddy was a Tabby and would entertain being stroked/fussed over for about 30 seconds before going lying on the bed upstairs, both were pretty good hunters and had a taste for both Mice and baby rabbits (Such was the evidence in the kitchen each morning, was like a slasher flick my ex GF used to say), yes it was my job to clear up the dead bodies/body parts each morning

She took them with her when we split