Is it just me,or are new cars becoming a false economy?
I bought my Golf Edition30 in 2009,when it was 2 years old.
Since then,I've had the service schedule (so thats two,including a brake fluid change) kept up to date and had the timing belt service done.It also got the coilpacks renewed under warranty.
The car is now 5 years old and it has just cost me £350 for a general yearly service and I got a rear wheel bearing replaced at the same time.Now,I would not have expected to replace a wheel bearing at five or eight maybe,but five?
It just went thru the MOT test this week and failed on the high level brake light not working,but the tester said that this was minor and the only thing to fail and gave me the ticket anyway

but that will still need to be replaced.(and I have read the horror stories on this)
Oh yeah, and it owes me for a new secodary fan unit as the first one got taken out by an erratic stone.Add to that what it costs now for decent brand tyres to fit 18" wheels,well,costs soon mount up just to keep the thing on the road and legal.
So,in the three years I've owned this car,I reckon,for what I've spent on it,I could have had my old 1991 MK2 GTI 8v stripped down and rebuilt to as new and still have change.And it would probably be more reliable,with having less to go wrong!