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Ferrari Racing Days - Silverstone
Thought I'd pop along to this today to nosey at some Ferrari's. Found out this includes the F1 Clienti / XX Programmes for the oh so posh people who are able to buy ex F1 cars, the 599XX / FXX specials. Weather looked ok so why not!
Missed out on getting in for free via Pistonheads (700 places signed up for inside 2 hours doh) but as it was cheap entry thought what the hell lets check it out!
Was totally worth while i have to say!
Mainly went to see the F1 Clienti / XX Programmes so didn't get to watch the Trofeo races unfortunately. They attempted the world record breaking parade of 1000 Ferrari's yesterday (not sure they achieved it though) but still a few showed up today.
Pics uploaded to HERE
Some tasters...
Glowing Carbon Ceramics...... :drool:
I bet you hated the sound of all those Ferrari engines you heard today!.... Not!!
^ I love this shot :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:
i will never tire of the sound track made by Ferrari's :laugh:
There was a flaming F40 that was racing in the club challenge race...really wanted to take a picture of that car. But it conked out / or crashed before i finished the 1/2 lb cheeseburger so didn't tog it.
Looked like a good day
More of a Lambo man but dear god :drool:
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