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Vulcan departure for RAF Leuchars

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Wild Bean:
Is this supposed to be like a modern take on a flicker book hedge ?

If I scroll through really quickly and squint the Vulcan actually looks like its moving :P


--- Quote from: Hedge on September 16, 2012, 09:21:09 pm ---
She is surely a thing of beauty and I was lucky enough to be there.  :happy2:

--- End quote ---

....I am having difficulty believing that you happened to be there only by lucky coincidence. Or is that what you told mum as you drove her a very long way home?

Ok fess up time. I came up to pick my mum up to pick her car up which has resided on my drive since June as she broke her arm while on hols in Spain, at my cousins 50th birthday celebrations. Originally this was due to be on Tuesday/Wednesday but these days changed.

Friday night we met at the Forest Pines Hotel in S****horpe and later that evening went for a fantastic meal at Winteringham Fields and I said to Mum and my cuzz that the Vulcan was departing from Donny the next day. Mum was dead keen but my cousin, who lives in America, didn't join us as he was going to spend some time with his father.

There you have it. The old girl, Vulcan not mum, howled magnificently down the runway and took off as you see above.  :happy2:

Was good to see the old girl flying over during the airshow. I was working it as Leuchars is my home base, but it was a good show and a around 40k people there. Always amazed how it dosnt fall out of the sky on its hard banking as its almost vertical!!

Good airshow, but long hours of work.

 :congrats: :love:


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