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Which Map/ECU upgrade do you have?

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Voting closed: October 19, 2012, 09:15:34 am

Author Topic: Which 2.0 TFSI/TSI Map/ECU upgrade do you have?  (Read 21149 times)

Offline RedRobin

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Re: Which 2.0 TFSI/TSI Map/ECU upgrade do you have?
« Reply #75 on: September 20, 2012, 04:11:28 pm »
Remapping any engine is highly likely to expose any weaknesses it may have. It is a risk and the more you push the performance envelope to its limits, the higher the risk.

The likes of JonnyC, SteveP, and Hurdy, are happy to push the limits on their cars.

Tuners really can't afford for their remaps to damage cars too often and it's not always the fault of the remap as some folks would suggest.

I don't blame Revo for the crack in my Turbo's wastegate, it probably only exposed a one-off VW manufacturing fault in the manifold casting that was already there. An APR, or indeed any other, remap may just as easily have done the same.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2012, 04:14:41 pm by RedRobin »

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Re: Which 2.0 TFSI/TSI Map/ECU upgrade do you have?
« Reply #76 on: September 20, 2012, 04:14:15 pm »
Come on Pov, stop now before people stop believing a word you say.
 Honestly you dont do APR any favours talking like this, even though you think you are. You, they, should just let the software do the talking.  :happy2:

What has any of this got to do with APR? Im not an employee, im talking about revo. I obviously know your thoughts on the matter.

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Re: Which 2.0 TFSI/TSI Map/ECU upgrade do you have?
« Reply #77 on: September 20, 2012, 04:16:55 pm »
Mine doesnt have a flat spot.  :confused:

 REVO are dear, but Ill say that the service I have received from them has been fantastic up until now.

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Re: Which 2.0 TFSI/TSI Map/ECU upgrade do you have?
« Reply #78 on: September 20, 2012, 04:22:10 pm »
Come on Pov, stop now before people stop believing a word you say.
 Honestly you dont do APR any favours talking like this, even though you think you are. You, they, should just let the software do the talking.  :happy2:

What has any of this got to do with APR? Im not an employee, im talking about revo. I obviously know your thoughts on the matter.

I hope you dont think all of our members fell out of a tree, just yesterday. Do you honestly think people cant see what you are doing.  Seriously you are way over the top with your comments and i am confident all you end up doing is harming APR not promoting them.
R- tech's reputation has grown on here steadily over the months. This comes from members getting there cars mapped and sharing there experiences they had when they went down there. None of them come on burst through the door with guns blazing saying Revo blew up my dads factory.
Reputation is gained through respect, you honestly just dirty the waters fro APR.  :happy2:

Offline djhorace

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Re: Which 2.0 TFSI/TSI Map/ECU upgrade do you have?
« Reply #79 on: September 20, 2012, 04:23:08 pm »
My point is Smoke and mirrors Pov anyone can make any tuner look bad. You just make yourself look foolish.  :wink:

Sums it up for me. I have always wanted to meet Pov as I believe he is a top lad but I find it hard to read his posts now as its almost certain what they will contain.

I seriously doubt Revo will ever give him the time of day again if it came to it though  :grin:

They didnt anyway, once they have your money and you have a problem.

"its not our tune, its the car"

And I quote, re 5200rpm flat spot

Quote from: revo carl
This is NOT a software issue;

this will be related to the TSB VAG currently have out on the valve springs in K04 cars..... depending on how old the vehicle is and how restrictive your exhaust is will depend on if the issue is apparent on the vehicle, our K1 has no such issue, none of the cars i have setup have had this issue unless they are within the said VAG TSB.

sorry to be blunt but i want it to be clear for you all so you are all well informed!

And thats now proven to be a lie  :wink:


Has it actually been proven to be a lie? Can you prove otherwise regarding the valve springs?

Revo have made a revision in the latest version of their S2+ file to assist with this issue, not that my current car or loads of other Revo S2+ cars ever had it.

Regardless, how many different code revisions have other tuners like GIAC, APR, Bluefin etc had for whatever reason?

Here is hoping other tuners work Northward so we have a good choice like they do down south. Up here we have Revo in Aberdeen, GIAC in Fife (according to Stars website although APR are supposed to be there too) and a shower of others a bit further south. It's hardly surprising that most Northerners have Revo.

Seriously you are way over the top with your comments and i am confident all you end up doing is harming APR not promoting them.
Have to agree. Thats why he got banned from
« Last Edit: September 20, 2012, 04:31:23 pm by djhorace »

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Re: Which 2.0 TFSI/TSI Map/ECU upgrade do you have?
« Reply #80 on: September 20, 2012, 04:32:30 pm »
Mine doesnt have a flat spot.  :confused:

 REVO are dear, but Ill say that the service I have received from them has been fantastic up until now.

Not everyone had it, but alot did. It also didnt show up till pushing on flat out upwards of 4th, 5th n 6th, so alot of people didnt notice.,9196.15.html

To summarise,

Myself and cuprak1 had the flat spot issues. Emailing revo they said it was the cars and not making progress with them. This was back in 09, my car was a 09 plate, cupra k1's a 58. So brand new cars in effect.

Frustrated and posted about it on the forums.
Revo insisted its the cars and not the software. Blamed weak valvesprings in 08 cars onwards.
I found out cars with the stronger valve springs had the same issue ie 07 cars
Revo again claim its not the software.
I then found out a revo agent in greece was fitting rs4 valves to try and overcome this.
Still no admission from revo.
RS4 valve then found to help reduce the flat spot
Found out its happening because revo software requests more fuel than the stock hardware can deliver
Revo agents start advising rs4 valves to be fitted.
Fast forward 2012, revo release updated 2.0TFSI software which fixes the flat spot.

So if its fixed all of a sudden by an update, it obviously wasnt the car  :happy2:

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Re: Which 2.0 TFSI/TSI Map/ECU upgrade do you have?
« Reply #81 on: September 20, 2012, 04:48:37 pm »

Have to agree. Thats why he got banned from

Are you sure about that.

He's also banned nick from r-tech, vw technical staff, oh and a host of other members that are on vagtuning...The might of sponsors aye  :wink:

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Re: Which 2.0 TFSI/TSI Map/ECU upgrade do you have?
« Reply #82 on: September 20, 2012, 07:24:24 pm »
From my perspective if a company has something to sell they should come on here, tell us what it can do and then leave it up to us as individuals to make our own minds up. All this X is crap, Y is better rubbish just has he opposite effect on me and just makes me more determined not to use the product from Y.
I agree. But we also need people's experiences posted. More information means more people can make an informed decision on which tuner to use. Simply posting RR logs IMO isn't enough. It's all about customer care and aftersales care.

They didnt anyway, once they have your money and you have a problem.

"its not our tune, its the car"

And I quote, re 5200rpm flat spot
I remember hearing about this. What concerned me was not so much the issue itself but the way in which it was dealt. This is also important as it is a reflection of the company's attitudes to customers. I don't mind as much if someone doesn't know the answer but I will be aggrieved if they plain out lie.

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Re: Which 2.0 TFSI/TSI Map/ECU upgrade do you have?
« Reply #83 on: September 20, 2012, 07:34:51 pm »
The more I hear about APR and Revo the more satisfied it makes me knowing I did not choose either of them for my remap, let them battle it out, let the fanboys be fanboys and let the haters hate  :signLOL:

I chose this forum specifically as it has no "sponsor power" (hopefully) and that threads dont get deleted posts amended because said tuner is getting grief (not shown in a pistive glowing warm and fuzzy light), that happens on enough other forums, let's not make this one the same!  :popcornsoda:
« Last Edit: September 20, 2012, 07:37:00 pm by Tamiyoman »
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Re: Which 2.0 TFSI/TSI Map/ECU upgrade do you have?
« Reply #84 on: September 20, 2012, 07:43:47 pm »
Mine doesnt have a flat spot.  :confused:

 REVO are dear, but Ill say that the service I have received from them has been fantastic up until now.

Not everyone had it, but alot did. It also didnt show up till pushing on flat out upwards of 4th, 5th n 6th, so alot of people didnt notice.,9196.15.html

To summarise,

Myself and cuprak1 had the flat spot issues. Emailing revo they said it was the cars and not making progress with them. This was back in 09, my car was a 09 plate, cupra k1's a 58. So brand new cars in effect.

Frustrated and posted about it on the forums.
Revo insisted its the cars and not the software. Blamed weak valvesprings in 08 cars onwards.
I found out cars with the stronger valve springs had the same issue ie 07 cars
Revo again claim its not the software.
I then found out a revo agent in greece was fitting rs4 valves to try and overcome this.
Still no admission from revo.
RS4 valve then found to help reduce the flat spot
Found out its happening because revo software requests more fuel than the stock hardware can deliver
Revo agents start advising rs4 valves to be fitted.
Fast forward 2012, revo release updated 2.0TFSI software which fixes the flat spot.

So if its fixed all of a sudden by an update, it obviously wasnt the car  :happy2:

It's quite funny actualy, i had a flat spot on my car from 5200rpm onwards, car totally lost boost.
My APR K04 software requested a lambda value of 0,75, which saw their own pump not able to deliver within the 25% margin of the lambda value the ECU wants.
I changed numerous parts after numerous logging sessions on APR demand, only when a now good friend helped me log i found out the above. It took more than 90 emails with APR USA to get them to change the file to my specs.
At that point i felt that even though i had gotten my map changed i needed a company with more customer care and in REVO i have found it.

That being said seems APR have gotten their act together map wise, and i wellcome the competition, and in the end i will say ETTO  :drinking:

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Re: Which 2.0 TFSI/TSI Map/ECU upgrade do you have?
« Reply #85 on: September 20, 2012, 09:19:32 pm »
The more I hear about APR and Revo the more satisfied it makes me knowing I did not choose either of them for my remap, let them battle it out, let the fanboys be fanboys and let the haters hate  :signLOL:

I chose this forum specifically as it has no "sponsor power" (hopefully) and that threads dont get deleted posts amended because said tuner is getting grief (not shown in a pistive glowing warm and fuzzy light), that happens on enough other forums, let's not make this one the same!  :popcornsoda:

Here here  :happy2:

Offline boxxer1973

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Re: Which 2.0 TFSI/TSI Map/ECU upgrade do you have?
« Reply #86 on: September 20, 2012, 09:50:29 pm »
Had revo since owning the car more than happy with it
Mk5 golf Gti REVO. stg2+
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Re: Which 2.0 TFSI/TSI Map/ECU upgrade do you have?
« Reply #87 on: September 20, 2012, 11:44:34 pm »
Every one fights for the side that they are with obviously when u spend a £1000 on a map u try and justify it to urself that you made the right decision and then try and justify it to everyone else ... every company has good and bad points and i don't think i would be disapointed with either company's maps.

As long as you feel that the car drives good after it then all the people saying but such and such gets an extra 10bhp and the torque is higher .. well im sorry but i enjoy my car with the map that is on it .

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Re: Which 2.0 TFSI/TSI Map/ECU upgrade do you have?
« Reply #88 on: September 20, 2012, 11:46:11 pm »
Ive got to agree, I think more and more people are abandoning the big names and going to the more dedicated mappers such as RTech and Ecotech Performance (Get Dyno'd) now as theyre wanting a more bespoke map. Plus these guys are fantastic with the 1.8t so it stands to reason theyre going to be on top of their game when they do the newer cars. I know of a lot of guys who swear by Nick and his team at Rtech and Simon at Ecotech. Thats why I voted Rtech :happy2:

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Re: Which 2.0 TFSI/TSI Map/ECU upgrade do you have?
« Reply #89 on: September 20, 2012, 11:49:24 pm »

Surely not