One thing u will prob find is that there has been a shift towards custom maps, eg R Tech. I have heard a lot of mixed things bout yr 'big names' so to speak, but as yet ive yet to hear even 1 negative comment bout Nick and his team! Yeah sure, ive been there a few times now, im clearly biased, but wat Nick and co dont know bout mapping aint worth knowing IMO!!!
X2 never met anyone with THAT level of understanding of how the TFSI engine works 
....You haven't met Sheldon Cooper then.

It isn't only about choosing which remap product but who installs it and how conveniently they are located.
Before I chose mine back in 2006 I did a lot of research and spoke to a lot of people over several months. Jim at JKM was not the closest tuner to me - They are a 180-mile round trip. JKM are a fiercely independent tuner and offer several ECU upgrade options as well as having a rolling road. Back then I didn't choose the remap flavour of the month reported on car forums by willy wavers after the highest bhp numbers. Which engine version you have should also be a factor in which remap you choose. I chose Revo and now also have their DSG remap - It makes good sense.

The fact that the Revo has the option to fine tune the Boost/Timing/Fuelling and also 'Standard' mode (plus Anti-Theft security) has been invaluable. I also prefer the peace of mind which comes from having a very well established product. When I was considering a remap I asked my VW dealer what their attitude would be - They asked which tuner, and when I answered "Revo" they said "No problem, then".
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