Mine doesnt have a flat spot. 
REVO are dear, but Ill say that the service I have received from them has been fantastic up until now.
Not everyone had it, but alot did. It also didnt show up till pushing on flat out upwards of 4th, 5th n 6th, so alot of people didnt notice.
http://www.mk5golfgti.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,9196.15.htmlTo summarise,
Myself and cuprak1 had the flat spot issues. Emailing revo they said it was the cars and not making progress with them. This was back in 09, my car was a 09 plate, cupra k1's a 58. So brand new cars in effect.
Frustrated and posted about it on the forums.
Revo insisted its the cars and not the software. Blamed weak valvesprings in 08 cars onwards.
I found out cars with the stronger valve springs had the same issue ie 07 cars
Revo again claim its not the software.
I then found out a revo agent in greece was fitting rs4 valves to try and overcome this.
Still no admission from revo.
RS4 valve then found to help reduce the flat spot
Found out its happening because revo software requests more fuel than the stock hardware can deliver
Revo agents start advising rs4 valves to be fitted.
Fast forward 2012, revo release updated 2.0TFSI software which fixes the flat spot.
So if its fixed all of a sudden by an update, it obviously wasnt the car