Cheers Jonnym
I'm in the process of getting a shopping list together now, but I don't have any real knowledge of handling
So what exactly do you have on your motor?? 
I'm not a expert but I based my decision on what i've learnt (through eperience of spinning/mitigating my own problems) and what's on here.
At the moment i've got SuperPro ALK kit to the front suspension/console buses. An ALK kit, by it's very, will act to prevent any forces attempting to lift the car on, for example cornering/acceleration. The car therefore sits lower to the road when otherwise it would be raised slightly, has more grip because of the increased weight/mass and grips as a result. Simply better handling. ALK kit is a generic name but nonetheless do the same job. Could go on about positive caster/geometry etc etc but depends on how gripey you want it to be - although there will be a aspect of this. If you do i'll get my uni notes out!
Then roll bars. I like this video and demonstrates the potential benefits:
With roll bars, the bigger/thicker the front, the more understeer, but opposite for the rear (ie: the bigger/thicker the bar, the less understeer).
Loads of roll bars out there. Buy a set, front, rear, whatever. You then need to decide what settings you want depending on your driving style.
The difference is pretty crazy really.
One thing on my evergrowing list of changes to my golf, is to eventually polybush all my bushes. Just like the ALK kit, they all add to counter any lifting forces. Overall they tighten everything up, if anything a fresh bush compared to a 30/40/50,000 OEM bush just works better. Add it all together, everything is held in line and combined with other mods can give you masive benefits when on track or simply just wanting to corner fast.
The difference for was amazing. The ALK kit made soooooooooooo much difference. I left my car with Alex when I went off to do some training. Tbh, I was on the verge of giving up with it. The ride was awful and I didn't feel confident at all with it. I got back and drove home....just wow. Fresh set of coilovers helped clearly but you really feel it. The roll bars again just tighten everything up and help balance the car.
I've also got engine/transmission etc mounts which again help tighten everything engine etc wise up. Everything helps but above you'll feel the difference overnight.