It's reckon its worse when you do it yourself, no one else to blame! Had my Pescara's refurb'd in a lovely gun metal Grey (couldn't be happier) and 2 days later I ran down the side of a kerb while parking, completely FUBAR'd the entire rim. Can't be arsed to get it done again!
I feel for you fella, give your mam a hug, you've only got the one! 
Everyone of my alloys has kerb marks, previous owner had them all done 2 weeks before I bought the car and his missus managed to kerb them all within 10 days

, oh and she also clipped a gatepost scratching the rear wheelarch and breaking the bumper clip (another thing on my to do list after winter!), at least the owner himeself admitted to scraping the front splitter twice

(another job)