Had one loved it UK STI modded upto 360BHP. Black car, black wheels, dark tints looked a real mean thing and went like stink.

Echo much of what LouCyffer has written although lots of good indys around.
Loudness on motorway can be sorted dependant on what exahust you have but the release the power its going to be noisy! Some exhaust are stupidly loud other are not so.
Good forum scoobynet
Sold mine as lost access to a garage, its not the sort of motor you can leave outside your house unless you live in a nice area, you couldnt with mine anyway.
Evos are a better car but more expensive to insure, clutch doesnt last long and worse than the scooby on mpg.
I saw a new 62 plate the other day loooked really well and seem to be a good buy at the new reduced price. However if I was spending £24k ish would be a used M3 V8 DCT for me.