General > Track Days

Which tracks are near Newcastle/leeds?

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Ohh yeah that's true sy... In that case it will be perfect. Do a search on YouTube. I believe there is a clip of a kit car going around it.


--- Quote from: Janner_Sy on October 07, 2012, 08:54:49 am ---forgot about that. How is York Raceway for grip?

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Better than the Pod some days, but overall pretty similar :happy2:


--- Quote from: Janner_Sy on October 07, 2012, 09:33:19 am ---
--- Quote from: Nodz on October 07, 2012, 09:11:09 am ---Teesside autodrome is 30miles from there and does OPL days. Not sure if it's any good but found it whilst looking for supercar experience days.

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Cheers pal, not heard of this one before.  Interesting looking circuit.  Its only a mile long but looks like it might be pretty technical.

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Did my ARDS test here - its a bit small to keep you entertained for a full day.


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