General > Photography Section

GTi meets Autumn

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nice pic  :happy2:

Never seen that colour on a GTI before, thought it was a colour only for the standard Golfs! Looks nice though. What's the name of that colour btw?

Blue Graphite

(written in his signature)

Ah yes haha I even checked his post to see if he did mention the colour.. just didn't check the signature! Is this the rarest colour of all GTIs then?


--- Quote from: RobEd30 on October 25, 2012, 01:13:33 pm ---Ah yes haha I even checked his post to see if he did mention the colour.. just didn't check the signature! Is this the rarest colour of all GTIs then?

--- End quote ---

Thanks for liking my car and photos.  Judging by the amount of GTi's in this colour, I would have to say no.  I have seen a good few dozen ini this Blue Graphite colour.


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