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Author Topic: Pirelli P Zero Rosso's  (Read 1047 times)

Offline Tinytim

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Pirelli P Zero Rosso's
« on: October 09, 2012, 08:28:56 am »
Need some new tyres and getting quoted around the £140 mark for Michelin pilot sport 3's

Car currently has Pirelli P Zero's on.
Got a quote from a local tyre support for Pirelli p zero Rosso's for £102 each fitted!

Is the Rosso a cheaper/budget tyre compared to the standard p zero or ps3?
Or is the local tyre dealer just offering me an awesome price, or potentially got the price wrong maybe.

This is the first time replacing tyres so forgive my lack of knowledge.

Offline Panthera

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Re: Pirelli P Zero Rosso's
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2012, 10:31:18 am »
I am not really an expert on tyres, but can I just say that the Pirelli Pzero Rosso tyre is a top end tyre. I had these on my last two caR's and they where awesome. Very sticky tyre, lots of grip. They seem very underrated by most people, not sure why. I suppose folk don't like paying high price for a top end tyre, when they can get a budget tyre that will (in their mind) be just as good.  I never had any problems with these tyres, only that when the tread got to over 2/3 worn, standing water was a little interesting, but in a car weighing almost 1700kg and AWD, I had no worries.

So to answer your question, the Rosso's are not a budget tyre, its just that Michelin is just way over priced (IMHO).  Have a look on Tyre Review website:

I have Dunlop SP SPort Maxx and I find them fairly good. But a tyre I want t try next is the Goodyear Eagle F1 Asymmetric 2.
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Offline jimojameso

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Re: Pirelli P Zero Rosso's
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2012, 12:57:42 pm »
I run rosso's on both my cars and think there ggggreat!!  :happy2:
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