Thanks, Neil

Thanks for telling me about the bonnet release cable! However, I'll be going to VWR to fit them and I'm sure they know about the cable.
Having now directed quite a bit of work with carbonfibre I'm quite at ease with it but I simply don't have either the tools or roof cover and anyway I like visiting the guys at VWR.
I think it's quite funny me displaying fake carbon on painted real carbon and I can always paint them red later if I want.
The reason that AeroCatch say the narrow end should be at the front is that if the catch were to lift for some reason, it's not facing an air stream which might then force the catch to fully open. I know that some of the racing boys (and girls) remove the stock oem cable and latch mechanism and so rely solely on the AeroCatches.
Something else I've recently learned is that some carbon bonnets have the oem latch glue fixed and this can fail through time and use. Our OSIR bonnets have them more securely bolted < Another reason why neither of us needed this mod!
But they do provide added safety and look cool (just like a six-pack under a belly)

I'll post pics and add to this thread when done