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Author Topic: Attempted robbery early hours this morning in the Liverpool area...  (Read 779 times)

Offline Shorty

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Little ****s aren't they.

Stayin at my girlfriends for the night and was woke up at half 4 this morning by the sound of a window getting put through, jumped out of bed, ran to the landing screaming and a voice shouted up telling me to 'shut up'

I thought they was in the house so went back in the bedroom and told my girlfriend to phone the police, I sat there literally sh*tting myself, didnt want to go out and front them without anything, chances are there would of been a couple of them tooled up.

Anyway the police arrived quick and no one was to be scene, my Edition 30 was on the path so they would of been after that, they took the keys to the girlfriends dads old Mazda 3 but we found them down the road dropped.

Little scumbags! For anyone who knows the area, it was by Dovecot which is by Huyton.

I need to invest in a big bat!
| Mk7 R |

Vehicle Diagnostics inc VCDS, Vehicle Remapping and any other diagnostics in the North West area, PM me.

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Re: Attempted robbery early hours this morning in the Liverpool area...
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2012, 07:22:10 pm »
Feel for you man !

Main thing you and girlfriend are fine !