Owned my GTI for just over a year now, covered 27k in it and loved it

When I got it there was still a years warranty so I didn't want to do any major mods that may have compromised it, as I need my car for work.
First little mods were red GTI badges and open fog grills

Next was some R32 rear lights and some cool blue interior bulbs, aswell as having all four Monza II's replaced under warranty,

The car stayed like this for quite a while, until recently I lamin-x'd my front fogs yellow and bought some FK Koenigsport Silverline X coilovers from jonnyc, and an EVOMS intake from a member over on golfgti.co.uk, who thought it was too loud, I managed to get the coilovers, and intake fitted over the last week and then got my OEM bonnet bra today so I gave my car a clean and took some pics

New wheels are getting fitted on Friday just in time for Big Fat Tour, they currently being refurbished by Wheel Repair Centre (taking advantage of the forum discount) so I will post pics up on the weekend, really looking forward to getting them on, here's a pic of them when they were last refurbished on my friends TT at Ultimate Dubs

Since then my friend has just let them rot so they needed a refurb before they went on my car, pics to follow