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Author Topic: DSG gear changing issue at high revs  (Read 1285 times)

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DSG gear changing issue at high revs
« on: February 24, 2016, 11:23:44 pm »
To save trying to explain this any more than I need to, I've uploaded a video of my issue. In a nutshell, if I pull away at the lights at a normal pace, I have no problems. If I push the revs upl, the DSG struggles to find a gear and the Rev limiter and esp cuts in. Eventually the DSG either clunks in, or finds a gear after taking my foot off the accelerator to force the DSG to find a gear.

This happens in both drive and sport.

After reading a few forums, it sounds like it might be the mechatronic or cluck pack that's failing, but these seem to be on cars that experience judder or lag on steady acceleration. My acceleration is fine until it tries to find the gear in high revs!

Any ideas what's happening and rough cost for a repair?