General > Photography Section

Some stunning pics............

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--- Quote from: RedRobin on October 18, 2012, 09:07:29 am ---.
For me, this is the best shot:

The others, to varying degrees, look as if they have been very heavily Photoshop'd indeed (though well done) and this shot looks the most natural.

It's all down to personal preference of course.  :smiley:

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I see this everyday as i work on a Typhoon Squadron :)

I bet it sounds as good as it looks too!  :notworthy:


--- Quote from: RedRobin on November 02, 2012, 08:13:50 pm ---^^^^
I bet it sounds as good as it looks too!  :notworthy:

--- End quote ---

On full reheat during a combat take off it does, funny watching all the car alarms go off :)


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