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Author Topic: How much for...  (Read 787 times)


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How much for...
« on: October 19, 2012, 11:18:53 am »
Dear all,

will post pics and put up for sale later (pending how much I could get) but just need some guidence if I may...

x1 Monza 18" alloy (will prob need a bit of refurbing) and from memory a Conti Sport 2/3 with quite a bit of meat left on it

Any idea of how much it could fetch? my car came with a spare alloy which I have no need for...


Reece  :happy2:

Offline swgti

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Re: How much for...
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2012, 02:02:04 pm »
I was thinking of selling my 4 genuine Monza II's in need of a refurb a while ago without tryes and was told I could get anywhere between £200 - £300, what I saw on fleabay and the likes at the time reflected this and mint sets tend to go for £500+ depending on tyres etc

If its a genuine one and the tyre is good you may be better splitting them.
Laser Blue 3dr No 209683, Leather, Monza II's and a few other goodies...........GONE but not in an A4 S-Line Avant 170tdi......god I miss the Gti.