To make sure the genuine part numbers and prices are on your quote, pop to your parts dept and get them to quote you on the service parts, then take that to your independent so they can put the details on their quote. While you're at the dealer, get a quote on the service work and ask them what time VW gives for the work. If it's 1.2 hours, see if you can get your independant to put 1.2 hours on their quote.
I have good relations at VW dealers, but not at the service desk where money is concerned. I've worked service reception in the past so I see everything from both sides, my customers would always try and barter, but the ones with a written quote would get a price match. When I worked for Kia, they set the servicing costs, so all dealers across the country had the same rate. If you wanted a quote, it was no problem, and the quote showed a complete breakdown including part numbers, prices, times and the work they'd be doing. I hope VW do something similar.